Our Story

Born out of love and heartbreak, ‘A Doberman’s World’ is dedicated to all Doberman parents who care about their Doberman Pinscher’s physical and mental well-being and health.

Sir Francis Drake, with two of his 4 siblings, at around 1.5 years of age.

When we became parents of a beautiful pure-bred Doberman Pinscher in 2012 for the first time, we couldn’t have imagined how much we’d fall in love with him and the breed.

When we lost him 11.5 years later, it shattered our hearts. Up to his sudden onset of symptoms, he was as healthy as he could be. Even at 11.5 years old, he had no issues that often ail aging Dobermans, such as arthritis or other (degenerative) diseases.

Unfortunately, Sir Francis Drake died a short 6 weeks after his first mild symptoms. It is our conviction that he did not die of his diagnosed condition but of what we and our veterinarian believe was neurotoxicity to one or more of the medications he received from an emergency clinic.

We spent close to 18k in vet bills and every waking hour to save our boy, but we had to watch him go down in the worst possible way we could have imagined for him. The helplessness we experienced watching him die, while he very clearly did not want to pass, is something that will wrench our guts and hearts to the end of our days.

A Doberman’s world is dedicated to Drake, our new feisty girl Persephone, and all Doberman parents who care about their Doberman Pinscher’s physical and mental well-being and health.

Welcome to ‘A Doberman’s Wold’.